Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's hot!

This year is the Centennial Rose Festival. Wow, 100 years. I'm looking forward to all the special events. I created a Rose Festival Calendar for my Concierge desk. I hope everyone else is as excited as I am. For all event details, visit the website.

In other news, I have worked 9 days straight and finally get two days off tomorrow and Friday. Sweet. I am going to the Portland Art Museum with the Portland Concierge Association to preview the Rembrandt exhibit. Yay free famous art!

I (we) installed our window air conditioner this morning, since it was 91 degrees today. In May. In Portland. I knew it was going to be a hot summer, so I insisted on an a/c. I found it used, on Craigslist. It was surprisingly hard to find one to fit our slider casement windows. We seemed to be missing a couple pieces, but we had the instructions and made it work with only a few screws! I love you, air conditioner.


Anonymous said...

pshhhh thanks for the shoutout on my birthday! :/

LadyConcierge said...

Sorry, lil bro! However, I do have editing powers....Mwwwahaha...